Prominent members

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Alexander Serafimovich Scriabin (Moscow, 1947) graduated from the Department of History at the Moscow Pedagogical State University V. I. Lenin, and completed postgraduate studies at the Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov. He is a Doctor of Historical Sciences and Assistant professor at the Moscow State University. Since 1992, he has been the President of the Fundation of A. N. Scriabin and is one of the founders and organizers of the A. N. Scriabin International Piano Competition. He initiated the installation of commemorative busts of A. N. Scriabin in Moscow (2007) and Dzerzhinsk (2012). He is also a member of the Academic Council of the Memorial Museum of A. N. Scriabin in Moscow, and is Honorary President of the British Scriabin Association and the Croatian Society “Alexander Scriabin”.

From 1993 to 2015 he worked in the International Union of Musicians, where he headed the Department of Competitions and Festivals, and from 2011 to 2015 he was the Vice-President of the Union. He has participated in the organization of more than 150 international, national and regional competitions and festivals in Russia and abroad (including festivals named after M. I. Glinka, S. V. Rachmaninov, V. V. Sofronicki, in memory of V. A. Lothar-Shevchenko, F. Chopin, and the festival “Scriabin-Rachmaninov” in Bulgaria, etc.). In 1998 and 2002 he was the Director of the piano section of the Tchaikovsky International Competition in Moscow. He pays a lot of attention to working with children and young people.

Mr. Scriabin is the author of literary and musical shows (together with A. J. Nikolaev) dedicated to A. N. Scriabin, S. V. Rachmaninoff, B. L. Pasternak, V. I. Safonov, V. I. Scriabin, Ariadne Scriabin and others. Since 1995 he has been a member of the Coordinating Council of the the CIS and Baltic States Public Institutions of Culture and Arts on behalf of the International Union of Musicians. From 2007 to 2016, he worked as a Chief Research Fellow at the M. I. Glinka VMOMK (A. B. Godenweiser Memorial Museum). For more than 20 years he lectured at the International University of Moscow at the Faculty of Entrepreneurship in Culture (1998-2017).

Since 2004, Mr. Scriabin has been a member of the Union of Composers of Russia. He is the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the magazine “Piano” and a member of the Editorial Board of the magazine “Music Academy” and “Musician-classic”. He is the author of more than 150 works on A. N. Scriabin, S. V. Rachmaninoff, V. V. Sofronicki, A. B. Goldenweiser, V. I. Scriabin, V. I. Safonov and other representatives of Russian musical culture. He is the winner of state awards, recognitions and acknowlegments from the Russian Federation Ministry of Culture, and he is also the holder of the title of Honored Worker in Culture of the Republic of Poland.

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