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Prof. BOŽO KOVAČEVIĆ—Vice President

Božo Kovačević (1955., Pakrac) Bachelor in Philosophy and Sociology from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. From 1977 to 1978 member of Pitanja editorial bord (magazine for social issues), and from 1979 to 1983 cofounder and coeditor of Gordogan (magazine for cultural and social issues). He is a member of the presidency of the Croatian Society of Philosophers and a member of the editorial board of the journal Filozofska istraživanja. From 1983 to 1992 he was Editor at Globus publishing house, and from 1989 to 1992 lecturer in Sociology of culture at the Faculty for Technology, Institute for textile and cloth design, University of Zagreb. From 1990 to 1992 he was lecturer in Sociology of culture and Sociology of media at the Dramatic Academy, University of Zagreb. From 1977 to 1988 he was the Director of the Croatian Helsinki Committee.

In 1989, together with Slavko Goldstein, Vlado Gotovac and Franjo Zenko, he founded the HSLS (Croatian Social Liberal Party) and was elected Vice President; from 1992 to 1995 he was the party’s general secretary. From 1992 to 2000 he was a member of the Croatian Parliament (Hrvatski sabor) and from 1996 to 1997 he was representative of the Croatian Parliament in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. In 1998 he co-founded LS (Liberal Party) and was elected Spokesman and Vice President. From 1997 to 1998 he was executive director at Croatin Helsinki Committee; from 2000 to 2003 he was a minister for enviromental protection and spacial planing and a member of Cabinet of ministers. From 2003 to 2008 he was the Ambassador of Croatia in Russian Federation. From 2008 to 2009 he was a manager at the International Secondary School The XXI Century Integration; from 2010 to 2019 he was lecturer in International relations from WWII to global order; IR theories, at the University College for International Relations and Diplomacy Dag Hammarskjöld, Zagreb. From 2015 to 2018 he was a columnist at Telegram (weekly magazine).

Since 2017 he has been a lecturer at Pučko otvoreno učilište (Popular Open University), Zagreb, since 2018 a columnist at internet portal, and since 2019 a columnist at internet portal He is the author of ca. 60 scientific papers and three books.


  • Slučaj zagrebačkih revizionista (Zagreb Revisionist´s Case), GZH, Zagreb 1989
  • Psihoanaliza i ljevica (Psychoanalysis and Leftist Ideologies), August Cesarec, Zagreb 1989
  • Svijet poslije Hladnoga rata. Teorija i praksa međunarodnih odnosa (World after the Cold War. Theory and Practice of International Relations), Biakova, Zagreb, 2015 (the second edition 2019)
  • Realizam poslije Hladnoga rata (Realism after the Cold War), in Dejan Jović (ed.), Teorije međunarodnih odnosa – realizam (International Relations Theories—Realism), Politička kultura, Zagreb 2013, pp. 182-212
  • Je li moguć novi kompromis ukorijenjenog liberalizma? (Is It Possible to Reestablish a New Compromise of Embeded Liberalism?), in Dejan Jović (ed.), Liberalne teorije međunarodnih odnosa (Liberal Theories of International Relations), Fakultet političkih znanosti, Zagreb 2014, pp. 286-307
  • Što je to novo u konstruktivizmu? (What´s New in Constructivism?), in Dejan Jović (ed.), Konstruktivističke teorije međunarodnih odnosa (Constructivist Theories of International Relations), Zagreb 2016, Fakultet političkih znanosti, pp. 37-87
  • Marksizam i liberalizam kao pristupi proučavanju međunarodnih odnosa (Marxism and Liberalism as Approaches to Study of International Relations), in Dejan Jović (ed), Marksističke teorije međunarodnih odnosa (Marxist Theories of International Relations), Zagreb, Fakultet političkih znanosti, pp. 75-168
  • Predsjednički izbori u Rusiji 2012. (2012 Presidential Elections in Russia), Političke analize, Zagreb, 9/2012, 32-37
  • Pogrešno primijenjena filozofija (Philosophy Incorrectly Applied), Politička misao, Zagreb, 4/2013, 73-104
  • Cyberwar – Američka izlika za novi Hladni rat?, (Cyberwar—U.S. Pretext for a New Cold War), Polemos, Zagreb, 32/2014, 91-110
  • Američko javno-privatno partnerstvo i cyber sigurnost, (American Public-private Partnership and Cyber Security), Politička misao, Zagreb, 3/2014, 76-100
  • Liberalna hegemonija ili imperij? (Liberal Hegemony or Empire), Međunarodne studije, Zagreb, 3-4/2014, 35-55
  • Genetika, filozofija i politika (Genetics, Philosophy and Politics), Filozofska istraživanja, Zagreb, 136/2014, 633-647
  • Društvena teorija i postnormalna znanost (Social Theory and Postnormal Science), Revija za sociologiju, Zagreb, 46/2016, 71-82
  • Amerika kao imperij (America as Empire), Politička misao, Zagreb, 1/2016, 35-50
  • Teškoće suvremenog liberalizma (Troubles of Contemporary Liberalism), Međunarodne studije, Zagreb, 3/2015, 45-81

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